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keine weiteren Informationen vorhanden! 24. August 2003, ein Nachweis der Büffelzirpe Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke, 1977 im Saarland, in feuchten Hochstauden des Unteren Primstals bei Diefflen. Der nächstgelegene, bekannt gewordene Fundort der Art ist die Moselaue in Luxemburg (NICKEL, briefl. Mitt.)

NICKEL (2003) macht folgende Angaben zur Ausbreitung der Art in Europa:

" The species was introduced from North America into Europe (presumably with twigs of fruit trees) where it was reported for the first time in 1912 from former Hungary. Later it spread over most parts of southern Europe (extending northward to Belgium in oceanic climates) and has reached parts of North Africa, Kirghizia and Kazakhstan. In Germany recorded for the first time in 1966 along the southern upper Rhine (Isteiner Klotz) and in 1972 in numerous sites between Lörrach and Kehl, although already found in 1952 in Alsace near Strasbourg (France). Meanwhile it occurs in the valleys of the Black Forest, down the Rhine valley at least to Speyer (since 1996) and Darmstadt (since 2000), up the Rhine to Radolfzell near Lake Constance, 400m a.s.l. (1998) and up the Neckar valley to Nürtingen (since 1995). Has been reported to cause damage on grapevine and fruit trees by oviposition into young twigs in Italy."
___ __________________________________________________________________________________________A. Staudt
